About the Different Menorca Tourist Guide

Última actualización: 21/09/2023

I have been visiting Menorca for more than 25 years.

During these years I have tried to consult information about the island on the Internet many times, most of them without much success.

I don’t like most of the guides available, so I decided to create a Menorca travel guide myself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

This is a different guide, where I try to put a personal touch. Almost all the pictures you will find here have been taken by me personally (I have tens of thousands of pictures of Menorca 😉 ).

With this guide I want to make it easier for people who want to know the island to find information. I only talk about what I know personally.

Why is this Guide Different?

Fish and Rosé Wine in Bucaneros
Fish and Rosé Wine in Bucaneros

The difference between this guide and the ones handed out in many establishments is that this guide is made for tourists, not for businesses.

  • I decide the contents
  • I speak sincerely about what I want
  • I always think about what is best for the person visiting Menorca.

In the end, what is best for tourists is best for business as well:

A happy tourist will come back and will speak well of Menorca to more potential tourists.

The PDF Guide (+250 Detail Pages)

Demo guide 2022 - beaches
Demo guide 2022 – beaches

As a result of the requests I have received from several people I have decided to offer for sale an online edition of the guide in PDF format.
online edition of the guide in PDF format

The PDF guide contains all the information on this website, re-organized, with an index, and several corrections and improvements.

How is this site financed?

In order to maintain the website and support the high traffic it receives, we finance ourselves in the following ways:

  • Affiliate links: Some links on this site allow you to buy products or services that give us a commission. You receive the same price and we charge a small percentage of what you pay.
  • Google Advertising: We have Google advertising on some of our pages.
  • Sponsored articles: Some local companies pay us to write about their products or services. We only write about companies that we would recommend to our friends and family, and we almost always anonymously test the company before writing. We write a maximum of 5 company articles each year. More than 95% of the 350 articles published are NOT sponsored.

  • Our PDF guide
    We have been publishing the PDF guide for 12 years and it is a great success. At the beginning there were 90 pages and now there are more than 250!

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram

Want to Improve the Guide?

Sample of the Free Guide to the Best Beaches in Menorca
Sample of the Free Guide to the Best Beaches in Menorca

If you think I should add any type of activity, business or place to the guide, just leave a comment and I’ll do what I can.

If you are really interested in adding your business to the guide, contact me.

Of course, if you see any bugs do not hesitate to comment.

If you want to
contact me
to ask questions of any kind, you can send me an email or leave comments on any article.

Enjoy Menorca!

Si te ha gustado, Descarga la guía PDF

  • Descubre Menorca y sus maravillas para pasar unas vacaciones inolvidables
  • ¡2.084 personas ya se la han descargado! Hasta hoy a todo el mundo le ha gustado 😉

Descargar Mi Guía Ahora

One thought on “About the Different Menorca Tourist Guide

  • Gracias por la información de esta web: pensábamos hacer un recorrido en abril-mayo y ya tenemos claro que no se puede. Llamar GR al Camí dels Cavalls es poco apropiado. Un GR es, tradicionalmente, una ruta diseñada para recorrerse a pié de forma continuada, generalmente con mochila, con opciones o de acampar o de alojarse al final de cada etapa, con la posibilidad también de conseguir comida y bebida al paso. Por lo que he podido deducir, este “GR” solo puede recorrerse a pié con la ayuda a diario o casi de vehículos motorizados, personales o alquilados, en tramos sueltos: no es una ruta continuada, sino una serie de paseos diurnos (al parecer, algunos muy bellos: ¡ay, qué pena!) fortuitamente conectados. Si la cosa es disfrutar la naturaleza sin fastidiarla más, no hay lugar para tanto dispositivo de transporte particular. Teniendo en cuenta la emergencia climática, habría sido (y sigue siendo si hay voluntad) perfectamente posible organizar el recorrido del Camí de una manera más respetuosa con el planeta.


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