Platforms of Cala en Brut

Última actualización: 21/09/2023

Cala en Brut and Torre del Ram
Cala en Brut and Torre del Ram

The platforms of Cala En Brut are a very popular place for young and not so young people who enjoy jumping from the cliffs. Besides being a great place to jump into the sea, it is an ideal place for those who can’t stand the sand on the beach.

The platforms are made of polished rock, and jumps into the sea can be made from different heights. The cove is quite closed and narrow, and there are two clearly differentiated sides.

Be careful with your belongings when jumping, as from the water it is very difficult to control what is happening on the platforms. Thefts are not frequent but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Beach Info

How to get to Cala En Brut

Signpost for Cala en Brut (Cala en Bruch)

By Car or Motorcycle

Cala en Brut (or Cala en Bruc) is very close to the center of Ciutadella and can be reached by car and parked a few meters from the access to the cove. From Ciutadella it takes about 10 minutes by car, and by bike between 15 and 25 minutes depending on the pace.

  • To reach the platforms you must take the road towards Cala en Blanes or Els Delfins.

There are two roads leading to Cala en Blanes:

  1. The road from Ciutadella to Cala en Blanes (old)
  2. La Carretera de la Torre del Ram (new).

Either way works, although if you take the old road you will be able to see the lighthouse of Sa Farola and you will skirt the entire coast.

By bike or on foot

Carretera sa farola menorca
Sa Farola Road – Menorca

It is also possible to go by bike and on foot to Cala en Brut.

If you go by bike, the old road of Sa Farola is undoubtedly the best option as it has a two-way bike lane and beautiful views of Mallorca.

Once you reach the traffic circle at the entrance to the Torre del Ram Urbanization (see map), you will see the direction of the platforms quite clearly indicated.

Once There…

Snorkel in Cala en Brut (55€)

Snorkeling in Cala en Brut
Snorkeling in Cala en Brut

The area of Cala en Brut is very good for snorkeling as the visibility is very good. As long as you move a little away from the diving areas, you will be able to see a lot of fauna and posidonia meadows.

You can book a 3 hours excursion from Ciutadella to Cala en Brut + Snorkeling equipment for 55€, with the rental of goggles and fins included.

  • Pick up at your Hotel in Ciutadella
  • Transportation to Cala en Brut
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Return to Ciutadella
  • Total time approx.: 3h

Jump from more than 10 meters high in La Cueva

One of the main fears people have when jumping off cliffs into the sea is the rocks on the seabed.

Fortunately, the depth of the cove is more than sufficient, in most places greater than 4 or 5 meters, so there is no danger in the jumps (with respect to depth). Despite this, it is always important to check if the jump is dangerous before jumping into Banzai.

For the more daring, there is a jump from what is known as La Cueva, with a height of more than 10 meters and a painful fall when you do not enter the water properly.

  • To get to the cave, walk to the bottom of the cliff on the left facing the sea.

When jumping from such a height, people often opt either to enter on a stick or to enter with their fists and knees in front of them, as if they were crawling. I have never tried the second option, so if you do you can leave a comment.

  • In any case, never jump with your goggles on, as you may hurt yourself and lose them in the fall.
Platforms of Cala En Brut with turquoise water
Platforms of Cala En Brut with turquoise water. In the background is La Cueva

2016 Accidents and Safety Fencing

You should know that every year there are accidents in Cala en Brut. Some are minor accidents and others are more serious, with fractures and some hospitalizations.

Due to these accidents, wooden fences were installed at the end of 2016 to “prevent” jumps from the platforms. It is still possible to jump from some places, but with more difficulty and more risk than before.

So if you plan to jump anyway, here are some tips.

Tips for Before Jumping

Cala en Brut underwater
Cala en Brut underwater

If you have never jumped before, these are the recommendations to take into account.

  1. Check that there is no one below before jumping. It seems obvious, but some people jump without looking.
  2. Check that the seabed has sufficient depth. If you see a lot of people jumping, it means that the jump is safe.
  3. Check for jellyfish. If you see a lot of people swimming it is usually a sign that there are no jellyfish in the water.
  4. Never jump while holding on to another person. You can both hurt yourselves in case of slips.
  5. Watch out for slippery rocks. If the spot you are jumping from is wet, be careful when jumping as you may slip.

Map and Points of Interest

Video of Cala en Brut

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